Data Packages

Please download this README when accessing any of the data packages and provide your email address so we can contact you with any updates to the data.

NameDescriptionTimespanDownload (size)
All Sensor Data
(32 Sensors)
All sensors since benchmarking and calibration of hardware and uniformity of firmware; raw data streams and quality controlled, filtered data streamsJune 2019 to
present date
CSV (0.5GB)
JSON (0.7GB)
Most Reliable
Sensors Subset
(23 Sensors)
Sensors with the highest data return rates and verified elevation surveysOne year ago to
present date
CSV (0.2GB)
JSON (0.3GB)
Hurricane Dorian
(20 Sensors)
Closer look at the effects of Dorian; peak anomalies around 9:00PM EST on 09/04/19; only Most Reliable Sensors that were active at the time08/25/19 –
CSV (0.1GB)
JSON (0.02GB)
Fort Pulaski
(3 Sensors)
Benchmarking data from two Georgia Tech sensors co-located with the NOAA Tide Gauge at Fort Pulaski
June 2019 to
present date
CSV (0.1GB)
JSON (0.1GB)


The Smart Sea Level Sensors API provides an easy way to retrieve measurements and metadata from sea level sensors deployed in Chatham County, GA. The API is built according to the OGC SensorThings API standard, which provides a unified way to retrieve measurements from IoT sensor systems.

Below are concepts and common queries to get started using the Sea Level Sensors API. For more information on how to perform more customized queries, check out SensorUp’s OGC SensorThings API Documentation.


  • A Thing is a deployed sensor. A Thing has a Location and one or more Datastreams of Observations.
  • A Thing‘s Location contains the latitude and longitude coordinates of a sensor.
  • A sensor’s measurements are represented as a Datastream of Observations. Some sensors in our network only measure water level, and therefore have one Datastream named Water Level . Other sensors in our network measure air pressure, air temperature, and water level, and therefore have three Datastreams for each metric.
    # a sensor with one Datastream for water level measurements
    $ curl
    # a sensor with three Datastreams for water level, air temperature, and air pressure
    $ curl


  • Get all sensors

    $ curl ''
  • Get a specific sensor

    $ curl ''
  • Get all measurements recorded by a specific sensor, sorted oldest to newest

    $ curl ''

    The first 100 measurements recorded by the sensor will return. The @iot.nextLink key gives next 100 measurements recorded by the sensor.

    Alternatively, the $select query option can be used to select only the result and resultTime fields, and the $resultFormat query option can be used to return Observations in a more compact array format.

    $ curl '$select=resultTime,result&$resultFormat=dataArray'
  • Get all measurements recorded by a specific sensor between a start and end date

    $ curl '$filter=phenomenonTime%20ge%202019-09-19T00:00:00.000Z%20and%20phenomenonTime%20le%202019-09-20T00:00:00.000Z'

    The first 100 measurements recorded by the sensor within the date range will return. The @iot.nextLink key gives next 100 measurements recorded by the sensor within the date range.